Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Elvis Style

One afternoon upstairs in Elvis’ bedroom at Graceland, he and I were talking about his mother’s passing in 1958. It was the most turbulent, disoriented and confusing time in his life: drafted into the Army, leaving the career that had exploded two years earlier, uncertain what the future would bring.
“Man, you can’t believe what I was goin’ through back then. I mean everything was just crashing in on me at once, every dream I ever had. Just when everything was going my way, the Army calls me. My career came to a screeching halt; all the movies I was starring in, TV, my records, everything. I actually thought that nobody would remember me after I served my time, that I’d be a flash–in–the pan. You know, people would say, “hey, remember that guy, the one that used to shake his body, what’s his name?”
Then the first thing they do when I’m inducted is buzz my hair off!” Elvis shook his head incredulously. “Can you imagine that, Larry, my hair? Then, when I’m struggling to deal with everything, my mom suddenly died! My mom was the light of my life, my best friend; I mean, she’s the one I could always go, no matter what. That’s a blow you can never really get over.”
“But not matter what happened and all that, I’m glad I served my country, Larry. I love America; where else can you dream the impossible dream? Believe me, no one knows better than I do. I’ve lived that dream. My mom kept tellin’ me, even when we had nothing, that I could be anything I wanted to be, if I tried hard enough.”
And I’ll tell you this; I didn’t have to go into the army like the way all the other guys did.  They told me that if I wanted to I could be in a special service unit; you know, represent the army and tour the other bases in the world, talk to the guys, maybe entertain and sing.  I didn’t even have to think about it.  I flat turned their offer down.  I wanted to be a role model, and let everyone know that I was just like every other guy.”
Elvis had a strong sense of history and was proud of his Southerner’s traditional love of country. He drew his energy and strength from the American soil and its people. “Sure, America’s not perfect, but it’s the best hope we have for this world. I mean, who else is as free as we are? People will do anything to get here; some even die. America represents hope for this world. I’m proud to be an American and I’m proud that I served my country.


  1. i wish i could see your astral chart. Is that possible?

  2. Mr. Geller, I really appreciate all you have to say and have shared. Especially about Elvis... I know it's out of the blue and you don't even know me, but I am on my own journey a lot like Elvis's, and I have some questions, a lot actually, (not about Elvis directly, don't worry! I completely respect his privacy even now) is there any way I could privately email you? Sorry if I am being presumptuous, I don't mean to be...
